First off, I fully expect our little blog to sometimes be a launching pad for your public blog. You can sort of wipe off your shoes on this one. I also think the mouse hunt is ready for 'TrenchDesign' prime time as well. That is a universally hilarious moment and any prospective clients would be immediately endeared.
You are up to your ears in grapes and I am up to my balls in soot, pop tarts (the favored repast of the chimney sweep) and tattoos. I told you about the plumber who showed me the franken-bear triple cover-up tattoo, right?
Ingredients are as follows:
1. A Pagan motorcycle club insignia
2. A spider web
3. One bear
DUDE!!! You thought you were joking about making it into a storm cloud w/thunderbolt when I described it over the phone.. I'm starting to think that is the only solution. When he asked me if I could fix it or cover it up ( total rookie that I am ) I was speechless. I think the words ' Well, that's quite a conundrum' passed my lips at some point. I'm pretty sure the word 'amputation' stayed in my head.
The tattoo I am working on now is also a cover up. The infamous-in-my-own-world 'Douche-bag Derek' tattoo. Below is a photo of the now permanently lined-in panther and foliage. It is a mock-up for the basic color scheme (which is colored pencil directly on the photo of the actual lining). I feel a little woozy about it. You can see how dumbed down my hand is with an actual tattoo machine. What do you think? Tell me something encouraging, please.
If you look, you can see the heart in the panther's shoulder. Did I get carried away? I think I got carried away...
Finally, here is the next installment of the periodic table. It's a fairy on a calla lilly I drew yesterday.
If I can translate this kind of drawing thru a tattoo machine eventually then I should be a rich man. Click on it for a large image, I think.
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