Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Tell my wife I ...glug, glug, glug..."

This video of you is surreal. It is straight out of a deep R.E.M stage. Not to mention it appears to be taking place in an art gallery. I'm riding a wave of wonderment at the utterly perfect and ridiculous vision of it (nice shirt, by the way).
But what if you slip? Surely, you would perish in the murky swag. Perhaps you should be wearing a brighter cap that would stay afloat above your foamy grave to alert a passing sommelier.
When I worked on a vineyard in Italy in the Fall of 1989 I saved a man who was hanging by one hand above a giant vat of grapes (true story). Aldo, the vineyard's owner, was on a cat walk above some monstrous, automated grape crusher and lost his balance. When I heard the screaming I found him losing his grip on a railing 6 feet directly above the giant, diabolocal grinding mechanism. Talk about crushed grapes.
Who knew alcohol was so dangerous!?..and that's without drinking it.

So now I have to get some sort of video recording device to keep up with these posts of yours. What would I film? ......I could have filmed three guys trying to force a 30 ft. chimney liner down a chimney it didn't fit, in the rain and on a slope that would make a mountain goat think twice. It might have looked like some bizarre take on the "Rape of the Sabines"

My mother bought me a pair of skateboarder shoes for my birthday and it's probably why I'm still alive.
Until the next stupid shit, yours truly,

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