Sunday, October 11, 2009


Ahh, finally, a day off.  This winemaking is hard work.  I have been all over the winery this year.  They have let me do things that I can hardly believe.  From driving the forklifts to running presses to digging out tanks, it is all fun as hell.  I talked a guy from the office into mounting a camera on a good vantage point and setting it to take a picture every minute, all day.  I am looking forward to showing you a stop animation
of a day.  I really want to shoot the clean up at the end of the day.  We are essentially a food service and it is very important to clean the fuck out of everything, every day.  I have not experienced as much indulgent gushing of hot water since I took a shower at the Yale Club locker room.  There are grapes everywhere.  seriously, by the end of the day I am picking them out of my underwear.  I freaked out in the shower when I was washing the hot dog and beans and I came across a gnarly purple scab!  It turned out to be a grape skin that had managed to slither right into my crotch.
I was asking my pal Sam, the guy you sent a shirt to, about winemaking.  I think he might be a little bit of a cowboy, trying odd things to achieve the wines that best represent the personalities of the terroir and the vintage.  He has a tattoo of a little grape cluster on his arm.  I suggested that he get a new one.  I think your tattoo career has really inspired me.  I told him to get a tat that goes under his arm across his armpit and down his ribs a bit.  It would be a big hard cock with a whole cluster of Pinot Noir grapes as his nuts.  I told him you were the guy to do it.  He seemed open to the idea.

Congrats on your firefighting exam score.  That sounds promising.  What a great job that would be.  Even better than carcass cleaning.  If it doesn't work, there is always taxidermy.

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